{{current_weather.dt | momentjs( atts.date )}}
{{current_weather.temp | temp}} °{{units}}
{{day.dt | momentjs(atts.date)}}
{{day.temp | temp}} °{{day.temp_min | temp}} °{{units}}
{{current_weather.temp | temp}} °
Humidity: {{current_weather.humidity}}%
Clouds: {{current_weather.clouds}}%
Wind ({{current_weather.wind.deg}}): {{current_weather.wind.speed}}{{units_wind}}
Clouds: {{current_weather.clouds}}%
Wind ({{current_weather.wind.deg}}): {{current_weather.wind.speed}}{{units_wind}}
{{day.dt | momentjs(atts.date)}}
{{day.temp | temp}}°
{{day.temp_min | temp}} °
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